
June 11, 2024

Tree Talk Tuesday - Increasing Climate Resiliency in your Community with Green Infrastructure and Climate Adaptable Trees


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Description: This presentation will focus on creating landscapes that improve climate resiliency while providing multiple environmental services. The United States Global Change Research Program projects major climate changes for many regions of the United States. These projections include increasing temperatures and extreme rainfall events with more frequent periods of drought during the summer months.
     As the climate changes, the habitat for tree species may become unsuitable for their survival and they could be replaced by species from more southern regions. Species that require cool moist conditions will be challenged by increasing temperatures and warming, drier summers.
     Some tree species are more adaptable than others and today when we plant trees we must consider not only the planting site conditions, we must now also consider the fact that that temperature and moisture availability may be changing over the next few decades. With potentially more severe rainfall events, green infrastructure stormwater controls can be a sustainable solution to managing water in the landscape while providing many pollution abatement and environmental benefits.

Presenter: David Gamstetter, Davey Resource Group

Bio: David Gamstetter was the natural resource manager/city forester for the city of Cincinnati. He retired in 2019 and began working at the Davey Resource Group where he works as a business developer specializing in green infrastructure. Dave is an ISA Certified Arborist, holds a National Green Infrastructure Certification, and in 2015 was inducted into the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Forest of Honor.

ISA CEUs: 1.0 Certified Arborist, Utility Specialist, Municipal Specialist, BCMA Science

Tree Talk Tuesday Webinars are live; recordings are not available after the webinar.

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