
June 13, 2023

Tree Talk Tuesday - Soil Science: The Dull and the Boring, or is it?


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Title: Soil Science:  The Dull and the Boring, or is it?

Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Description: General overview of soil science, some refreshers on what makes soil tick. 

Presenter:  Stephen Schneider

Bio: Steve is the Landscape Planner at The Ohio State University with duties including managing the urban forest, plant selections, removals, and helping direct tree policy. He is also involved in projects at the planning level to help direct tree plantings, placements, and selections. He has helped the university adopt a Tree Grading Standard to help reduce maintenance cost.  He worked with the university’s Tree Advisory Committee to update the Campus Tree Care Plan. 

ISA CEUs: Certified Arborist – 1.0, Municipal Specialist – 1.0, BCMA Science – 1.0

Tree Talk Tuesday Webinars are live; recordings are not available after the webinar.

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